Joe Biden congratulates Cyril Ramaphosa on re-election

US President Joe Biden congratulated his South African counterpart, Cyril Ramaphosa, on his re-election, after the African National Congress (ANC) cobbled together an unprecedented coalition government.

“I congratulate Cyril Ramaphosa on his re-election as president of the Republic of South Africa, and commend all the political parties for working together to form a Government of National Unity. 

“I also send my warm wishes to the people of South Africa. This year – as South Africa celebrates 30 years of all citizens having the right to vote – they have demonstrated the enduring power of government of the people, by the people, and for the people.

“I look forward to the United States and South Africa continuing our work together, to expand economic opportunity, invest in clean energy solutions, and demonstrate that democracy delivers,” Biden said in a White House statement.

Vladimir Putin also congratulated Cyril Ramaphosa

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin also congratulated Cyril Ramaphosa on his re-election.

“We highly appreciate your personal contribution to the development of strategic partnership between our countries, as well as productive Russian-South African cooperation within the UN, BRICS, the G20 and other multilateral organisations,” Putin said in a telegram published by the Kremlin, adding that he “looked forward to continuing our constructive dialogue and joint work”.

In addition, Chinese President Xi Jinping also congratulated Ramaphosa on his re-election, state media said on Saturday.

“Xi Jinping sent a message congratulating Ramaphosa on his re-election as South African president,” the official news agency Xinhua said in a brief report.