Zanetor Rawlings visits Odawna market fire scene

The MP who is mourning her late father, former President Jerry John Rawlings visited the market scene to show empathy and solidarity to the traders who are counting their losses over the fire outbreak.

In a Facebook post, she said “While conferring with family in Kumasi about the loss of daddy, I heard about the unfortunate news of fire gutting the Odawna market.

“I had to return to commiserate with the traders, many of whom have lost everything.

Zanetor Rawlings visits Odawna market
Zanetor Rawlings visits Odawna market

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“These hardworking women are the backbone of our local economy, and they deserve all the support we can marshal to get them back on their feet.”

She added: “These are, indeed, difficult days, but together, we shall ride out the storm.”

On Wednesday, November 18, 2020, fire gutted the Odawna Market at the Kwame Nkrumah Interchange in Accra.

The fire started around 1 am and destroyed shops and other properties on Wednesday at midnight.

An eyewitness John Ofori told Accra-based Citi FM that “We saw the smoke from afar, so we thought it was the GCB bank but it was instead coming from the market. It took the Fire Service about two hours to douse the fire.”

This is not the first time the Odawna Market has witnessed a destructive fire.