Shock as it emerges that Governor ANNE WAIGURU used Sh 781,000 on entertainment on a single day – LOOK!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023 – Kirinyaga County Governor Anne Waiguru had a hard time on Tuesday explaining to the Senate how she spent Sh 781,000 on entertainment on a single day.

Senate Public Accounts Committee chairperson Homa Bay Senator Moses Kajwang’ put Waiguru to task, asking her to explain how the money was used.

“We want to know exactly how the KSh 781,000 was used. Did you pay that money to an entertainer? So we want to know who this entertainer is who is charging Sh781,000 for a day,” Kajwang’ posed.

But Waiguru who is a patented looter of public funds stated that the money was not spent on entertainment but on providing logistics and refreshments during the event.

 The county chief incurred the senators’ wrath after she disclosed part of the money went into ferrying people to the event.

 “Apart from the tents, we also provided transport for people to attend the event. There was no entertainment. We don’t have entertainment during the official launch. We just have women who come to sing and we don’t pay them,” Waiguru said.

Waiguru appeared before the powerful committee to answer questions about Auditor-General Nancy Gathungu’s report for the financial year ending June 2021.