Sheebah Karungi Embraces Independence, Rejects Moving into a Man’s House

Sheebah Karungi Embraces Independence, Rejects Moving into a Man’s House

Sheebah Karungi continues to assert her independence, famously referring to herself as a “Nakyeyombekedde” (independent woman).

During a conversation with YouTuber Zubeda Byanyalo of Executive Media, Sheebah revealed that she has no intention of moving into a man’s house, emphasising her attachment to her Munyonyo residence.

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Sheebah’s stance on relationships comes from her desire to maintain control over her life and space.

She openly expressed her refusal to ever be put in a position where she could be thrown out of a man’s house due to misunderstandings.

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“I cannot leave my house, and I still cannot let a man stay in it because that would be as bad as marriage. I don’t like any of that. I want my man to live at his place, and I also stay at mine, and we meet once in a while,” Sheebah remarked.

Interestingly, fellow musician Cindy Sanyu shared similar views recently on the same YouTube channel.

Cindy stated that she would prefer a man to move into her house rather than the other way around, sparking a conversation on gender roles in relationships.

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