RUTO is cursed because he stole my outright victory in the 2022 Presidential Election – RAILA ODINGA says

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 – Azimio One Kenya Alliance leader, Raila Odinga, has claimed that President William Ruto is cursed because he stole his victory during last year’s presidential election.

Speaking in Nyamira County on Monday, Raila claimed the problems facing the Kenya Kwanza administration were allegedly caused by stealing his victory.

The ODM supremo said Ruto’s administration has failed to deliver on its pledges because God is unhappy with it.

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According to Raila, the Kenya Kwanza Alliance administration has been cursed by God, and that’s why everything he has touched ends up rotting.

The former prime minister suggested that recent anomalies in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) results were a clear example of the purported curse on Ruto’s administration.

 “Ruto’s government is cursed by God because they stole my victory. Look at the exams.

“How can students in one class all get the same results? What kind of exam is that?

“Everything that Ruto’s government touches is rotten because of the curse by God,” Raila claimed.