Put development ahead  of other considerations …Prof. Opoku-Agyemang urges electorate

 The  vice presiden­tial candidate of the National Dem­ocratic Congress (NDC), Profes­sor Jane Naana Opoku-Agyemang, has urged electorates to put their develop­mental needs ahead of all other considerations as they go to the polls on December 7, this year.

Addressing NDC supporters at Adiembra Zezera in the Dormaa West Constituency as part of her campaign tour of the Bono Region, Prof. Opoku-Agyemang said the record of the NDC was visible in every sector of the econ­omy, including health, education, roads, electricity, water, markets and aviation.

“We promised to build 200 sec­ondary schools and before leaving office in 2017, Ghanaians saw the ones we built and it is visible to all. The NPP too promised to build 350 brand new schools. We want to know how many they have built and where they are,” she said.

Prof. Opoku-Agyemang further noted that the elections are also about track record and urged the government to show Ghanaians what it has done.

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She also urged electorates to be wary of government’s temporary inducements aimed at harvesting votes.

“Because elections are coming, they will bring money and share to people just to win their votes after denying them water, schools, roads and electricity. That has been their stock-in- trade and that is why we are not seeing the schools, the roads and other developmental projects across the country,” she added.

Prof. Opoku-Agyemang encour­aged the electorates to vote for the NDC presidential candidate, Mr John Dramani Mahama, in the upcoming December 7 general election to enable him to bring development across the country.

Moreover, she said a vote for Mr Mahama would bring jobs through policies such as the Big Push, Na­tional Apprenticeship Programme, Women’s Development Bank and the 24-hour economy.

At a meeting with queen mothers drawn from Odumasi, Chiraa, Nsoatre and Fiapre in the Sunyani West District Prof. Opoku- Agyemang said she saw her new role as a civic duty and opportunity to work hard to uplift the standard of Ghanaian women as well as serve as a role model for up -and -coming young women who aspire to achieve success in their chosen careers.

“If I had failed as a Vice Chan­cellor during my tenure at the University of Coast that could have been the yardstick to deny other potential women the chance to be considered for such a position,” he said.

While commending the queen mothers for their critical role in the development of their respec­tive communities, she noted that election was about development and nothing else urging them to vote massively for the NDC and its parliamentary candidate, Millicent Amankwah, in the December polls to change their fortunes.

The queenmother of Odumasi Number one, Nana Yaa Adansi, complained of poor road networks and drainage system in the constit­uency and appealed for an upgrade should the NDC win power.

At Wenchi Awissa, Prof. Opoku- Agyemang described as unfortunate the terrible state of road infrastruc­ture in the Wenchi area saying the situation did not befit the status of Ghana’s former Prime Minister, Kofi Abrefa, who hails from the town.

The Wenchi town roads, espe­cially a section of the road near the Wenchi Methodist senior high had become motorable which she noted needs urgent attention.

The area being a hub of cashew, the next government she said, would establish a Cashew Develop­ment Board to regulate the sector to improve the livelihoods of farmers.


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