Police Haul Hopeson Adorye To Court


A prominent member of the Movement for Change, Hopeson Adorye, is being prepared to face legal prosecution after he has been arrested and detained in police custody overnight on Wednesday, May 22.

Hopeson Adorye, who was seen in a video engaged in a verbal confrontation with a police officer when he was being whisked out of the police headquarters, is reportedly being arraigned before court in Accra.

This happened when Adorye was being brought out of the Ministries police station to be put into a waiting vehicle to be whisked away.

Suddenly, Adorye stopped and started engaging his lawyer, Ken Kuranchie.

He attempted to speak to Kuranchie while he was being moved into a police vehicle, but the officer interjected and asked him to move quickly into the vehicle.

It was during that point that Adorye shouted at the police officer, “I am talking to my lawyer, please, I am talking to my lawyer and then you are preventing me. What is the meaning of that? Are you the only Police officer?”

This follows his claim on Accra FM on May 10, where he alleged to have been part of an orchestration to detonate dynamite to scare voters in the stronghold of the National Democratic Congress to pave the way for a New Patriotic Party to (NPP) win the 2016 polls.

The Director of Special duties for Alan Kyerematen’s Movement for Change, in an interview claimed that the dynamite explosions were intended to intimidate voters in the NDC stronghold of the Volta Region.

According to him, the tactic was initiated by the New Patriotic Party, saying that “Prior to the elections, we blasted dynamite in parts of the Volta Region, and that scared a number of people. When I finished casting my ballot in Tema, I drove to the Volta Region, and when I asked for the number of people who had voted and the expected number of voters, it turned out people did not come out to vote,” he is quoted to have said.

The police are conducting investigation into these allegations.

By Vincent Kubi

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