‘No road, no vote’ – Mallam residents protest over poor roads

Residents of Mallam, along the ‘borla’ road within the Weija-Gbawe Municipality, have staged a protest on Thursday demanding that the 1km road be asphalted.

Around a hundred residents marched in protest, guarded by police officers. They carried placards with messages urging the authorities to fix the road, including slogans like “No road, no vote.”

Although the news team noticed a heap of stones and coarse sand on the shoulders of the road, the residents alleged that it was merely a vote-buying ploy and not a genuine effort to address the issue.

Abel Tetteh, the group’s leader, spoke to Citi News, expressing their disappointment in the lack of respect shown by local authorities and the failure of the Member of Parliament (MP) and assembly members to address the problem.

Tetteh questioned the government’s commitment to asphalt the roads, pointing out that other neighbourhoods in Accra have received asphalt roads, while they are still waiting for theirs.

The residents are now appealing directly to the government to intervene and provide the necessary assistance to improve their road conditions.

“It has happened, because these people do not respect us, first of all, they invited us, they didn’t come to us again. We want an asphalt [road] with a white line.

“The government said he’s doing asphalt everywhere. So where is ours? So we’re appealing to the government that he should come to our aid and come and do our road for us.

“We don’t want the MP to come again because the MP has failed us, and the assembly members too have failed us…we the residents concerned, residents of Bola Road, are tired of the road and the dust for 30 years now we are not okay with the dust.”

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