Man in police grips over power theft, illegal connection

 The Amasaman Division­al Police Command has arrested a 40-year-old trader, Kofi Mensah, for ‘stealing power’ and reconnecting to the national grid.

This was after officials of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) Limited disconnected the trader, for illegal connection of electricity to his premises.

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Mr Kingsley Opoku, the ECG Amasaman District Man­ager, told journalists that while on its usual monitoring exercises, field staff identified a customer, who was using an unauthorised meter at Nii Aryee, a suburb of Pokuase, in the Greater Accra Region.

He explained that the team realised that the meter of Mensah had been illegally moved from another district (area) to Nii Aryee, and he was disconnected and directed to visit ECG office to regularise his relationship with the company.

 Mr Opoku said the customer refused to visit the office, but illegally reconnected power to the grid.

He said anytime Opoku was disconnected, he reconnected without recourse to the company.

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