Hearts of Oak compete with Aduana and Samartex for Bofoakwa Tano goalkeeper Emmanuel Kobi

Bofoakwa Tano goalkeeper Emmanuel Kobi has confirmed that Hearts of Oak have approached him regarding a potential transfer.The Phobians faced challenges with their goalkeeping in the recently concluded season, having rotated through more than three goalkeepers and still conceding poor goals.Seeking to strengthen their squad, Hearts of Oak have identified Kobi, who impressed for relegated Bofoakwa Tano. However, they face stiff competition from Aduana Stars and Samartex FC, who have also expressed interest in the talented goalkeeper.Yes, I have been contacted by several teams, including Hearts of Oak, Aduana Stars, Samartex FC, Gold Stars, and Vision FC. As of now, Asante Kotoko has not called me,” Kobi revealed in an interview with Akoma FM.I’m here to listen to their offers after telling them to hold off on the conversation due to the FA Cup finals. To be honest, these are all excellent teams that will aid in my professional development,” he said.The goalkeeper, who is still under contract with Bofoakwa Tano, expressed his indecision about his next move. “Even though my entire family supports Hearts of Oak, I must admit that I haven’t decided which organization to join and that I am still under contract with Bofoakwa Tano, so I will entrust everything to God,” Kobi stated.As the transfer window heats up, fans and analysts will closely watch Emmanuel Kobi’s decision, with the potential to significantly impact the goalkeeping options for Hearts of Oak, Aduana Stars, and Samartex FC.