GFA referees manager Alex Kotey outlines reintegration plans for suspended referees

The Ghana Football Association (GFA) Referees Manager, Alex Kotey, has revealed the association’s plans to reintegrate suspended referees into the officiating system after they have served their penalties.This announcement aims to ensure that referees meet the necessary standards before returning to the field.Kotey explained that any referee currently serving a suspension will be required to undergo rigorous training under the supervision of Regional Fitness Instructors before they are eligible to officiate matches in the upcoming season.”Referees who are serving suspension will undergo training by our Regional Fitness Instructors before they return to officiate matches,” he stated during an interview with the Ghana FA media team.Addressing concerns about the integrity and competence of Ghanaian referees, Kotey firmly dismissed the notion that they lack the necessary qualities. “We have Match Officials whose levels of integrity are very high,” he asserted, emphasizing the professionalism and dedication of the country’s referees.In addition to reinstating suspended referees, the GFA is also focused on enhancing the skills and capabilities of its match officials. Kotey highlighted the association’s ongoing efforts to provide international training opportunities for Ghanaian referees. “We are building the capacities of our referees. We are looking for more opportunities to take our referees on international training courses,” he added.The GFA’s commitment to training and professional development underscores its dedication to maintaining high standards in officiating, ensuring that referees are well-prepared and capable of handling matches with integrity and competence.This comprehensive approach to referee training and development is expected to bolster the quality of officiating in Ghanaian football, fostering a more robust and respected refereeing community.