Dear Ruto, learn from Joe Biden, he won without big rallies, Covid-19 is real, be careful.

By Eric Onchanji via FB

US President-Elect Joe Biden won the presidency largely from his basement in Wilmington, Delaware. Because he knows his age is 77 years and he knows Covid-19 is real.

Someone tell ODM leader Raila Odinga to go slow on public events and direct BBI from his basement. He is 75 years old and Covid-19 is real.
This world is not running, my grandmother would say.

If it is the will of God that he be President, it will come to him seated at Karen.
It is God who chooses leaders, so it is said. He chose Biden from a basement just as he chose Rasanga from his bedroom. Just as he chose Prof Nyong’o from Thurdibuoro.
Health first!

The same message applies to William Ruto, given his health status, he should also keep off mass rallies