Dana Air reconnects Enugu

Kelvin Osa-Okunbor


DANA Air has begun daily flight from Lagos to Enugu and Abuja with additional flights between Abuja and Owerri.

Its Chief Operating Officer, Mr Obi Mbanuzuo said the daily flight was introduced to enable passengers connect cities for business and leisure as well as pay visits to friends and family.

Mbanuzuo said : ”The re-introduction of Enugu is part of our gradual and strategic route expansion drive and the frequent requests by our guests for us to return to Enugu and increase frequency between Abuja and Owerri to serve our teeming passengers.

”The hospitable people of Enugu require an airline that can take them from one point to another conveniently, on schedule, with seamless value added services at very pocket-friendly fares. These are some of the options we are bringing to the good people of Enugu. ”