Breaking: Teacher who lost 2 months pregnancy in SARS custody is Evans the kidnapper’s sister

By Onozure Dania

A teacher Mrs Ndubisi Obiechina who told the Lagos State Judicial Panel of Enquiry on Restitution for Victims of Special Anti- Roberry Square, SARS, Related Abuses and Matters that she lost a two-month-old pregnancy, Tuesday, told the panel that popular billionaire kidnapper Chukuwudmeme Onwamadike known as Evans is her brother.

She said that she never knew that he was popularly known as Evans.

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When asked by a Police lawyer from Force Intelligent Response Team, (IRT), Nosa Uhumwangho, if she was related yo Evans, Obiechina said yes.

“Who is Chukeudumeme Uwanmadike to you? ” He is my brother,” Obiechina said.

Uhumwangho told the panel that Evans was arrested because of Mrs Obiechina.

” It was through her invitation that we were able to arrest Evans.”

Vanguard News Nigeria

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