Liberia: US Envoy Walks Out of ‘26 Oration Over Orator’s ‘Divisive Rhetoric’

Liberia: US Envoy Walks Out of ‘26 Oration Over Orator’s ‘Divisive Rhetoric’

Monrovia – In an unprecedented move, American representatives have walked out of ceremony marking Liberia’s 177th Independence Day celebration in protest of the national’s orator’s “provocative” statement.

In her 177th Independence Day Oration, Dr. Robtel Neajai Pailey. said the United States has taken so much from Liberia than it has given.

Dr. Pailey’s said, “Truth be told, the United States of America has taken more from us than we have received. Liberia is nobody’s stepchild.”

She also criticized the U.S. for what she termed as interfering in Liberia’s transitional justice process.

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Her speech prompted the U.S. delegation at the ceremony led by Chargé D’Affaires Catherine Rodriguez to walk out.

Independence Day Celebrations should be a time for hope, unity and celebration. Introducing divisive rhetoric and unfounded accusations during such an event undermines its purpose. The CDA’s decision to walk out was a measured response to maintain the event’s decorum and spirit.”

US Embassy, Monrovia

In a statement shortly, the U.S. Embassy said: “Independence Day Celebrations should be a time for hope, unity and celebration. Introducing divisive rhetoric and unfounded accusations during such an event undermines its purpose. The CDA’s decision to walk out was a measured response to maintain the event’s decorum and spirit.”

Responding for the government, Information Minister Jerolinmek Piah said the orator does not speak for the government. “She doesn’t work for the government. She is a private citizen. She has her right to freedom of expression. I do know about the Charge Affairs walking out and if she does that she knows her reasons.”

One diplomatic source, speaking to FPA on condition of anonymity, said the orator’s critique was pointed in the wrong direction.

The USAID has over the years poured in billions of dollars in Liberia, funds that have been grossly mismanaged.

In recent years, the US has been critical of graft in a nation crippled by corruption, greed and nepotism.

The United States is Liberia’s historical ally. It has supported the country in billions of dollars helping its post war recovery.

Its officials including Ambassadors accredited to Liberia are on record of criticizing Liberia’s officials for corruption.

Former Ambassador Michael McCarthy accused lawmakers of “buttering their own bread” and “feathering their own nests” while underfunding hospitals and service centers, leaving rural citizens “destitute.”

Ambassador McCarthy, following his visit to several rural counties said he “was startled and deeply troubled to encounter multiple county hospitals that received not one penny of what they were promised in the 2022 budget”.

Political analysts say this historic moment highlights an embarrassing beginning for President Joseph Boakai’s administration on Liberia’s first Independence Day under his leadership. 

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